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Radio Frequency Therapy

The RT treatment uses a device that heats the deep layer of skin (dermis) to produce collagen.

The Treatment

The RT treatment uses a device that heats the deep layer of skin (dermis) to produce collagen. It combines Multi-Polar Radio-Frequency (MP-RF) treatments and Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields (PEMF) that are completely safe and stimulate collagen growth, reducing wrinkles, sagging skin, and fine lines.

Because skin laxity happens around 35-40 years old, and the collagen levels begin to decline, an RF therapy is recommended to preserve skin elasticity and induce fibroblast proliferation.

RF waves are used to heat the dermis between 50-75°C. Studies show that your body will generate heat-shock proteins if you maintain skin temperature over 46°C for over three minutes.

The efficacy of this procedure is very high for body contouring and skin tightening. This therapy is also used for cellulite reduction, fat reduction, facial wrinkles, skin folds, loss of volume or definition, skin rejuvenation and stretch mark reduction.