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Opening Times: Monday – Sunday: 10am – 8pm

Call: 01922 861926

Fungal Nail Treatment

Fungal nail infection can involve any part of the nail, or the entire nail unit including the nail plate, nail bed, and root of the nail

The Treatment

Fungal nail infection can involve any part of the nail, or the entire nail unit including the nail plate, nail bed, and root of the nail.

As infection progresses, the nail unit may discolour, the nail plate distorts, and the nail bed and adjacent tissue may thicken.

The toenails are seven times more likely to be affected than the fingernails. This may be due to their slower growth, reduced blood supply, and dark moist environmental conditions.

Laser treatment is one of the most effective treatments for a permanent cure of fungal nail infection. The laser device emits pulses of energy, which produces heat. The laser infiltrates through the nailbed to directly target the nail infection. By directly targeting the area, the infected tissue is sterilised and most importantly, the nail fungus is then prevented from spreading any further.  This is the best treatment for nail fungal infection, and ‘you can expect to see rapid results. The process is fast, pain-free and there is no downtime.